Spring Break is great for all kinds of things. Sleeping in, playing, dejunking and playing some more! One thing I did accomplish over my Spring Break was cleaning out my storage area under the stairs and in the laundry room. With that we made a sizable donation to the DI. Yeah for tax breaks! Here is a little sample of what I did.
This is under the stairs . . . all in totes and organized. We had so much fun going through each individual box. Some of the treasures found were: Kent's acceptance into USU in 1976, the newspaper announcing the Blacks receiving the Priesthood, family pictures and all of Kent's high school ID badges. It was alot of work and alot of fun.
Now we have room for food and paper supply storage Yeah! It will be great!
I also had time to dejunk my family room walls and redecorate them. Wow, it made a huge difference!
Now for some of the play. There was alot of playtime. Nearly wore this grandma right out. But it was sooo much fun. We decided to go to the zoo. I haven't been to the zoo for probably 20 years. It was an absolutely beautiful day. The best day of Spring Break. And . . . I think everyone in the state had the same idea. We ended up parking on the street above the zoo. After walking all of the zoo it was a total up hill hike to get back to the car. Pretty sure I was not the only one walking slow. Just ask Kristen.
The carousel is a must stop for Tiffany's boys. Garret decided to take a break and eat while the rest of us rode. The carousel has not lost its fascination after years and years. Kids still love it!
Trying to make a complete day of it, we drove home from the zoo (and yes grandma kept Landen and Carter awake the whole way home so they would take good naps) took naps and decorated our
Easter Eggs. It was more fun for some than others ha ha.
This is very delicate work. But I don't need no stinkin' help. I can do it myself! Watch!
Must be careful . . . the egg might break. Ya know, like Carter's did. ha ha
Yeah! I did it. I really did it.
Garret was a little protective of his Easter Eggs. Don't you even think about taking my eggs!!
Saturday morning was the family Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast. You just can't beat a beautiful day, lots of little energy and food. Tiffany took her boys to the Washington Terrace City Egg Hunt in Rohmer Park and then headed up to our house. Kristen, Zach and Garret were ready and waiting. The hunt was on!
An egg . . . and look, candy inside. My favorite, CHOCOLATE!
Look, I am making a haul and mom is helping me!
This little guy looks so grown up. He is so handsome!
Time to head inside and warm up a little. We have packages to open and Breakfast to be eaten.
Bubble Guns are always a hit. And look . . there are books in there too.
I will take those books! Thank you!
Wow, what a score and it is only Easter. Something for everyone!
A little bit of family, alot of fun and confetti pancakes. Wow! Having our family continue to grow has been a joy in our lives. So far we have three wonderful son-in-laws and three terrific grandsons added to our family. We started out mostly girls but things have changed quickly. It has been wonderful!